We've been submitting our profile to different agencies to present to the "outreach" situations. The situations are posted on websites and Facebook. We read them, pray and then submit our info if we feel led. I told you last week about a local agency. Since then we submitted to one to Georgia.
OK, so here is how it happened, last Thursday before I left the house I browsed Facebook and came across a post about a baby due in May, the agency needed profiles by the following day. I called Joe, we talked and decided to give it a shot. We sent in our profile. To be honest, we forgot about the situation. It was Brooke's birthday weekend and life was just hectic.
We are waiting to hear from the local agency. The EM meets with the CW today. She is due in April.
In the meantime, yesterday, Joe got an email, something about Skype. He called me wanting to know, I had no idea, so he forwarded the email. Low and behold, it was a message from Georgia, the EM wanted to have a Skype meeting with us at 12:30. We don't have Skype, we don't have a webcam...ahhhh! Quick, Apple to the rescue, there's an app for that! I downloaded Skype onto my phone, Joe arranged to come home from work for the meeting.
I spent my morning staying as busy as possible, I just cant sit around and think about the baby all the time. It breaks my heart. Joe got home just in time for the call.
The caseworker called us to tell us how to set Skype up, cause apparently you have to be "friends" before you can make calls. We got it all set up and she called us back to start the conference.
The video on her end didn't work, so all we saw was the logo for the agency. We were very nervous. Joyce, the EM called Joe out on his nerves, but admitted that she too was nervous. Apparently, she had been matched before, but because the baby is biracial the other family backed out (so sad!). I, me, the shy little noodle, dominated the conversation on our end. I had lots I wanted to share. The call lasted 19 minutes. Joyce had another family to call, but would try to make a decision in the evening.
We got an email from the agency in Utah wanting to know if we would like to be presented to an EM due in March.
Yesterday at 2:48, my phone rang with a Georgia number. I excused myself (Girl Scouts was just about the start, I left my co-leader standing in the kitchen waiting on the girls), went to my room and took the call. It was the CW asking how I felt the call had gone. And then-BAM! She layed it on me, Joyce wants us to be the parents of her baby! After all this time, all the rejections, all the heartache, all the low moments, we are going to have a baby!
I thought I was going to pass out, the room started to spin, I couldn't catch my breath, my brain left my body and I couldn't form a response. I finally regained enough composure to say thank you, voice my excitement, and ask our next steps.
I couldn't share the news-not until Joe knew and not until we told the kids, so I had to go through our girl scout meeting with this giant secret bubbling inside me. I did send Joe a picture, a picture of a positive pregnancy test. Being the doofus that he is, he wasn't quite sure of what I was telling him. He sent a question, I confirmed. After Girl Scouts, he made it home and we took the kids out to dinner to spring the news and celebrate.
Rather than go eat, we pulled off the side of the road to go geocaching. Joe asked where the closest cache was, I replied Georgia. The kids were so confused, what is in Georgia they asked. I very evenly replied, your new baby brother. It took a minute to sink in, but as soon as it did they got super excited and had a gazzillion questions. We answered everything the best we could and then went on to dinner (we never did make it, too many people, so we ate at home).
So there you have it----WE'RE HAVING A BABY!!!
Now to raise the money needed to bring him home-better get a move on the Both Hands Project. Oh wait, you don't know what that is. I will post that later today. Right now I need to go get the kiddos from school.
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